Thursday, January 30, 2014

Paroxetine weight loss

Reviews and ratings for paxil when used in the treatment of depression. I was on it for 2 years before weaning off due to weight gain and thinking I was better Side effects were loss of appetite for 2 weeks and taking long to ejaculate. Learn about the potential side effects of paroxetine. or prickling sensations. trouble concentrating. voice changes. watering of the eyes. weight loss. yawn. Apr 20, I was on Paroxetine for a couple of years and gained a lot of weight. I am not a very active person and tend to eat unhealthy. It is only my. Jan 6, Paxil, a prescription drug, treats depression and anxiety disorders. When used as directed, Paxil has side effects that include changes in weight. Feb 20, There.s even a well known joke for Paxil.s weight gaining side effect called The Paxil Pooch. But good for you on the weight loss!!! Consider.

In the course of my extensive reading in the area of health and weight loss, everything Ive read leads to the conclusion that an increase in. Paroxetine (Oral Route) in the throat. tingling, burning, or prickling sensations

Paroxetine Side Effects in Detail -

17, Wow I haven.t been on this site in ages. been taking Paxil since the end of August and noticed a lot of weight loss while taking it. Weight loss appears to be a possible side effect of Paxil. As discussed in this eMedTV segment, people taking Paxil in clinical studies lost about a pound or less. Paxil Withdrawal Information Success

It.s interesting to read these withdrawal stories and compare them to my own. I was on 20 mg Paxil for 8 years and decided to stop due to (1) weight gain and (2). Apr 23, If you simply must stay on Paxil, I would start a diet and exercise program with the help of a reputable, hospital-based weight-loss program. Sep 21, 2004 my question is is it possible that the paxil hinders weightloss? im always canceling evening (after 4am) carbohydrates and only eat/drink.

May 8, Paxil is one of the best anxiety treatments, but if you gain weight while Although Prozac, an SSRI, is generally associated with weight loss. About 70 of people in the United States are overweight and, in a catch-22, many of the drugs used to treat conditions such as diabetes and high blood.

Paroxetine tablets and suspension are also used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder. Paroxetine may decrease appetite and cause weight loss in children. I gained about 30 lbs on oral BC. I lost about 20 when I went off it, without really doing much else. YMMV, of course. Paxil And Weight Gain - posted in Paxil (paroxetine): I have been on Paxil now for eating 1200 calories a day is the target amount for weight loss, and anything. Two-thirds of patients with major depression present with weight loss, and Paroxetine seems to be the SSRI most likely to cause weight gain, especially when.

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