Friday, January 9, 2015

Weight loss on zoloft

Nov 23, I started taking Zoloft yrs ago,and it decreased my appetite too. But after only read that weight loss is a result of decreased appetite so I.m. Apr 23, Zoloft, generically known as sertraline, belongs to a category of antidepressants known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs. Find a comprehensive guide to possible side effects when taking Zoloft decreased sex drive, difficulty having an orgasm, dry mouth, and weight loss. Zoloft. Apr 18, been on Zoloft for about a week now and even though my dor This sounds terrible but if this weight loss keeps going, I don.t want to?. 27, Prozac and Zoloft are SSRIs used to treat depression and other sleep problems, insomnia. weight gain or loss. headache. dry mouth.

Side effects: Initial weight loss. Comments: Patient taking 50 mg/day for generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks. Initial start up dose 25 mg/day for 7 days

Zoloft Weight Gain or Loss LIVESTRONG.COM

Apr 7, My main worry is Weight, as I have/had eating disorder I control my I am not such a person that depression caused weight loss, or lack of. May 5, Just found your forums and it seems like a good place for info. I was just wondering if anyone has had a great deal of weight loss on Zoloft?.

Antidepressants and weight loss-anyone else experience it?

Mar 19, So i started taking 25mg of Zoloft in January. My dosage has recently increased to 100mg. I have noticed considerable change in my appetite. Sep 15, So she put me on Zoloft and ive read up on it.and apparently its one of. Weight Loss–Significant weight loss may be an undesirable result of. He has asked his psychiatrist if this could be a side effect of the Zoloft and I, too, That was when the weight loss and the appetite loss started (approximately 2. been on it for about two months now, I don.t own a scale, but I.m pretty sure I. ve lost between 10 and 20 lbs since gotten really thin and. May 30, i was recently put on zoloft for depression and so far so good but i just have lost all my appetite. and am losing weight fast, too fast. i have lost.

Apr 7, My dor switched me from zoloft to bupropion to help. The transition was Pretty unlikely. Does anyone here have strategies for weight loss?. Dec 4, However, weight loss on Zoloft is far more prevalent. Overweight patients may regard the weight loss effects of Zoloft as a bonus, but dors. I.m taking Zoloft and a friend of mine went to a meeting on weight loss. At the meeting she learned that if you are taking any anti-depressant. Aug 4, Speaking of which, part of the Zoloft precaution is undesirable weight loss at the time of therapy. True enough, we sometimes allow celebrities.

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